Monday, April 20, 2009

Greenhouse Gas Emission and Business Profit Making: The new Environmental paradigm!

Behavioral modification incentives must engage individuals and businesses, especially those operating enterprises that give off green house gases to reform; and, work toward practices that prevent high levels of environmental pollution. The businesses must be engaged to achieve amicable goal of sustainable production practices that help reduce emission levels of greenhouse gases. The choice to pollute must be seen as an unworthy risk of doing business, thereby creating an aversion to this practice. Businesses currently lobbying against HB 1819 and SB 5735 must quit opposing the bill and choose to be positive in an effort to achieve environmental sustainability. The State and the people need businesses to be corporately responsible, working not only for profit but also the greater good of the environment. Law makers and the public already understand the need for industrial tax reform, asking that the oil and petroleum industry pay taxes for cleaning up the storm water runoffs. Individual business must now take decisions that help counter pollution and probably take advantage of creating capital investment in using pollutants to create wealth rather than decimate the environment. Carbon dioxide can be caned and used in other enterprises to generate wealth, new products and rescue the environment. The human enterprising favor which is at the heart of all economic resurgence must not be perceived as adverse to environmental sustainability; it must be seen as a complementary goal to attaining environmental friendly practices and profit oriented independence.

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