or Terms: New York Businessman; Presumptive Republican Party Nominee, Donald
Trump; West Virginia; Nebraska; US House Speaker Paul Ryan; Immigration
Policies; Foreign Muslims; Xenophobia; Sexism; Racism; Basic Republican
Principles; NAFTA; TARP, Foreign Voyeurism; Democratic Party Nominee; Mitt
Romney; Elizabeth Warren; Marco Rubio; Hillary Clinton; and, Bernie Sanders
As a Big City Businessman
yearning to relate to the average voter from the Appalachian country, Donald
Trump probably figured out that smooshing with coal miners and their families are
probably less stressful than finding out what establishment Republicans are up
to, lately. Donald Trump became a unique presumptive 2016 Republican nominee
one week ago, yet establishment members of his party are not exactly sure if he
is the right candidate to carry their party’s flag. The numerous uncertainties
of where Mr. Trump stands on a number of key button establishment Republican
issues are making the big Whigs of the party skirmish at the thought of having
the New York businessman as their future party leader.
Tomorrow’s exploratory,
reconciliatory or mutual understanding meeting between the US House Speaker,
Paul Ryan, and the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump, among other
things, is expected to provide answers and understanding of: 1) Why Donald
Trump’s unorthodox campaign bid continues to give establishment Republicans a genuine
pause; 2) The whacky ways some Republican Party State caucuses and primaries
award delegates to contestant, ala Donald Trump; 3) Donald Trump’s overt
appeals to racism, sexism and xenophobia in his campaign for the White House; 4)
Whether there is an active establishment Republican Party incubator fielding an
independent run against Donald Trump in the upcoming November election? 5)
Credibility and creditworthiness implication of Trump’s policy proposal not to
pay America’s creditors, the full amount of government debt owed by the country;
6) Why Donald Trump’s proposed policies are dangerous, why his campaign rhetoric
are reckless, why his business records are embarrassing and the explicatory end
of his free ride, ala Elizabeth Warren; 7) Veracity of the candidate’s
representation regarding charities, wealth, tax conformance, and conflict of
interest; the potential for hidden inappropriate associations with foreign
entities, criminal organizations, or unsavory group, ala Mitt Romney; 8) Why
his tax proposal appears to be skewed to the benefits of the billionaires at
the expense of middle-class workers, ala Hillary Clinton; 9) Why Donald Trump
is setting up a Commission to study proposed immigration policies and ban on
foreign Muslims entering the United States; and, 10) Why establishment
Republicans will rather have those who are enthusiastic about Donald Trump’s
candidacy and policies to campaign on his behalf rather themselves; among others,
ala Marco Rubio?

Mr. Trump has been winning caucuses and primaries and with the exit of Ted Cruz and John Kasich a little over a week ago from the race for the 2016 White House, the remaining states’ contests appear all the more uncontested; an open country for the love of the Republican rank and file, to do whatever he pleases to clinch the party’s nomination. If the establishment Republicans’ traditional mindset is not in consonance with the type of candidate going to represent the party in the November contest, maybe it is time for them to shift priorities; or adopt the status and policies of the presumptive flag bearer who has been supported by over ten million republicans, no matter how uncomfortable and unorthodox his campaign strategy has been. Establishment Republicans had largely ignored the possibility of Mr. Trump being their party’s flag bearer, pushing their various, ‘Not Trump’ candidates in the race, to defeat Mr. Trump at the States’ caucuses and primaries over the past six or nine months. Unfortunately, or fortunately, there had been a huge shift between where the rank and file of the party stands and where the establishment Republicans stand, since the 2012 elections, or probably before. To a large extent, outsiders to the Republican Party believe the 2016 Republican nomination contest has resorted to an emotionally laden imbroglio between Republican rank and file and the country-club Establishment Republican elites, who feel their place within the party is largely being eroded by Donald Trump’s unconventional campaign strategy.

Mr. Trump has been winning caucuses and primaries and with the exit of Ted Cruz and John Kasich a little over a week ago from the race for the 2016 White House, the remaining states’ contests appear all the more uncontested; an open country for the love of the Republican rank and file, to do whatever he pleases to clinch the party’s nomination. If the establishment Republicans’ traditional mindset is not in consonance with the type of candidate going to represent the party in the November contest, maybe it is time for them to shift priorities; or adopt the status and policies of the presumptive flag bearer who has been supported by over ten million republicans, no matter how uncomfortable and unorthodox his campaign strategy has been. Establishment Republicans had largely ignored the possibility of Mr. Trump being their party’s flag bearer, pushing their various, ‘Not Trump’ candidates in the race, to defeat Mr. Trump at the States’ caucuses and primaries over the past six or nine months. Unfortunately, or fortunately, there had been a huge shift between where the rank and file of the party stands and where the establishment Republicans stand, since the 2012 elections, or probably before. To a large extent, outsiders to the Republican Party believe the 2016 Republican nomination contest has resorted to an emotionally laden imbroglio between Republican rank and file and the country-club Establishment Republican elites, who feel their place within the party is largely being eroded by Donald Trump’s unconventional campaign strategy.
Democrats face an opposite
problem. As many youthful Democrats recognize that the populist message of
Bernie Sanders are more in line with their position and or conviction on a
number of public issues. How about: 1) alleged financial stripping of the
economy by Wall Street; 2) wage stagnation among middle income households that
have stifled growth and increased labor exploitations; 3) the corrupt campaign financed
system that continues to erode the political power of many Americans; 4) proposed
financial transaction tax on Wall Street that may help fund public welfare
programs; 5) excessive US adventurism and foreign interventions that have
multiplied public debts; 6) foreign trade pacts and imbalances that have
disadvantaged America by moving jobs overseas; 7) the proposal for $15 minimum
wage across the board in all sectors of America’s economy; 8) Medicare-for-All
proposal to ensure Universal Health Care for all Americans; 9) addressing
America’s crumbling infrastructure dilemma and proposal to ask Wall Street to
help rebuild main street because it benefits them too; and, 10) proposal to
fund free public higher education, among others. The oscillating changes in
victories, swinging from establishment candidate Hillary Clinton to the youth’s
preferred candidate, Bernie Sanders, as the contest for the 2016 White House
moves from region to region, continue to attest to the credibility and
favorability of Bernie Sander’s campaign in many quarters. The argument for
Bernie Sanders candidacy continue to be actualized in intermittent primaries
and caucuses’ successes across the landscape, with his recent victories in
Indiana and West Virginia showing how resolute and resolved his effort to win
the Democratic Party nomination, even though the rules and guidelines to party
nomination appear not to be favoring him. In addition, the recognition of the
viability of his candidacy, even where the political hedge makers had imagined
the odds stacked against him were too many to be surmounted in the short-time
left, attest to a potential ammunition that could be exploited by the
presumptive Republican Party nominee, Donald Trump. The reality of this last articulation
is probably found in Donald Trump’s newly imagined categorization and name
calling tactic: how about, ‘Crazy Bernie’ versus ‘Nasty mean enabler’?
For Democrats, Donald Trump’s
heresies require adopting the mind-set of having to deal with a bullying
aspirant, ready to do anything to achieve his aim; being the next US President.
Donald Trump, who once claimed on a Daily Beast released transcript of a 1998
Fox News interview, where he actually claimed that President Bill Clinton was
being falsely accused by a bunch of an unattractive women, has now suddenly
woken up in 2016, to accuse Secretary Hillary Clinton, his spouse, as the worst
enabler of her husband; who has tried to destroy the lives of her husband’s
accusers. As you watch Mr. Trump insist at his rallies in Oregon and Washington
States about a week ago, you get a sense that you are encountering a person not
really interested in public policy or party unity, but one of character assassination of anyone in his way to Republican Party nomination, or by default, the US
Presidency. As an American voter, Republican or Democrat, Candidate Trump wants
you to believe that: “Hillary Clinton has spent a career being accused of being
a man-hating radical feminist lesbian, a nasty mean husband enabler, and worst
women abuser, ever.” Donald Trump’s demagoguery are meant to induce the voter
to come to a total hatred of his opponent(s); however, therein lies his
complete vulnerability. As long as his opponents refuse to engage and play his
tit-for-tat’ game and stay on their own campaign message, it is unlikely the “powerful
political outsider” will be able to triumph in his psychological disparagement
warfare to undercut the opponent.
The eventual Democrat Party
nominee, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, faces a distinctly different
campaign problem in the 2016 race against the presumptive Republican Party
nominee: maintaining a proactive, result oriented (vote harvesting) campaign
designed to address the bread and butter issues of the voters; while confronting
a possible egomaniac opponent, who is probably riddled with taxation issues and
other unknown business negotiation issues that will derail any thriving
campaign for any political office. The Democratic party flag bearer must forge
a front of being a true and genuine national unifier, a presidential candidate,
who knows the extent of the displeasure that rank and file Republicans have for
their party’s establishment; one who appreciates the position of the millions
of youths flocking behind Bernie Sanders’s candidacy; and, who has a well laid
out strategy for unifying all American voters towards the message of
inclusivity and accommodation of all stripes of Americans. A 2016 White House
candidacy of this nature has the potential of generating enormous fellowship in
the November election, if he or she remains focused on the message of
transformative America. By contrasting the internal divisions in the Republican
Party and failures of establishment Republicans to understand the concerns of
the rank and file, by recognizing the place of the populist message from Bernie
Sanders, the eventual Democratic Party flag bearer, can easily position herself
or himself, to sap away the current capacity and affinity built on Trump’s
The substantive option, which
appears likely to be resolved in July, after all the primaries and caucuses are
over, and Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have sat down to negotiate a way
forward for the Democratic Party Platform at the Philadelphia convention, is a credible way forward. With
Hillary Clinton winning presumptive Democratic flag bearer, she must be ready
to address: 1) Why she was unable to quickly close the nomination deal against
Bernie Sanders and why Independents are more likely to vote against her than
Bernie; 2) Why Hillary Clinton did not speak out against NAFTA, TPP and other
trade deals purportedly favoring China, Japan, Mexico and other countries against
the United States – the lopsidedness of global trade deals with America; 3)
Secretary Clinton’s judgement on trade, foreign policy and campaign finance
reform – why she was slow to respond on some key issues of reform; 4) Why
Hillary Clinton supported regime change in Iraq and other foreign interventions,
either as a Senator or member of the outgoing administration; 5) Why Secretary
Clinton’s arch rival for Democratic Party nomination, Bernie Sanders, once said
he found her unqualified to be US President because of her past judgements on
some national issues. On the other hand, if by stroke of luck, Bernie Sanders
is able to beat the 67% threshold odds against his candidacy in the remaining
states’ primaries and caucuses, or through a negotiated convention that rips
away some of Clinton’s avowed former super delegates, thereby having Bernie
Sanders as the Democratic Party flag bearer in 2016, Bernie Sanders must be
prepared to address possible labels from Donald Trump, as a dicey Red Socialist,
who wants to rob Americans of their money through heavy taxation; thereby
denying them from striking it big like Donald Trump, his potential opponent and
Republican flag bearer.
Even if the Republican
establishment is relatively uninterested in Donald Trump’s unorthodox campaign
strategy, the US House Speaker, must still be actively engaged with the
Republican presumptive nominee at their meeting tomorrow. Moreover, even if
other party leaders are cautioning against Donald Trump’s brand of campaign and
policy messages, the unity of the party should still be the focus of the
meeting; else the party falls apart. Aside from the party unity, there
are two priorities that must emanate from the meeting between the House Speaker
and presumptive Republican nominee. First, there is the problem of radical
messaging from the presumptive Republican nominee that disenfranchises many
American minorities, blacks, disabled, female, Mexicans and Muslims. The most
essential of this is the fact that establishment Republicans must maintain
their anti-discrimination stance, including xenophobia that can easily
undermine the purpose and essence of a major American political party.
Republican Party leaders must disavow any effort or representation of their
party as an exclusive outfit that subscribes to the disparagement of other Americans or destabilize the
state or national unity.
Second, a correction of internal
instability within the Republican Party that have led to the mantra of us
against them, rank and file Republicans against establishment Republicans. The
ousting of a hierarchical party structure is neither inevitable nor imminent,
depending on how this meeting goes. Yet, the issue of widespread
disenfranchisement and perception that the elites within the party have long
since ignored the clamoring of the rank and file, must be addressed
respectfully without letting affairs deteriorate from where they are today. The
Elite Republicans must determine how best to address the concerns of the rank
and file in future party’s negotiations on issues that are of concerns to those
currently saying no one has listened to them. The crisis in communication
between establishment Republicans and the rank and file that have led to an
outsider, with probably not the same conservative values of most Republicans representing the party in a general election,
must not be swept under the rug; rather, they must be confronted proactively; a
task that is not very easy with the state of perceived communications break down
between the two parties meeting tomorrow.
In dealing with these two
priorities, the meeting is likely to be sabotaged by one paradox and assisted
by another. The negative aspect of this conveyance begins with the possibility
of either party, refusing to stand down from their initial position. Donald
Trump’s position as the presumptive party nominee with the support of over 10
million voters, may be such that places him in an upper hand position in the
negotiation process. The need to reassure him and his supporters that there is
a place for their voice and presence in the party is essential; however, not at
the expense of eroding the basic fundamental principles that constitute the
American Republican Party – belief in smaller government; belief in fiscal conservatism;
Support for federalist System of government, respect for individual liberties
and responsibilities; tolerance, inclusiveness and optimism; strong work
ethics, devotion to family; and, conservative social values.
Businessmen naturally desire to
avoid risks, and this part can prove beneficial to the negotiations. If the
presumptive Nominee is reminded that he is holding party leadership to ransom
or creating a hostile takeover of the party that will not auger well for a
collective followership by all the existing pressure groups in the party, which
will ultimately cost him the election in November, there are chances that he
will play ball and in the extreme case or situation, catapult to the wishes of
the party leadership. Either choices may reduce or augment his credibility
before his strong followership among the rank and file; or, elicit negative establishment’s
public opinion that may place his candidacy in jeopardy or crush his ego as the
presumptive party nominee.
Either way, the negotiations may ease
the stressors in the current status of relations by alerting the participants
at the conference of the paradox of perception: the negotiations may either
reinforce the preconceived notion that the presumptive nominee is not playing
by the party rules or his candidacy, is such that party leaders cannot come
around to his side because of the huge mistakes surrounding his campaign efforts, or because of the
perception of what the party now stands for by putting forward, Donald Trump as
the party’s flag bearer in November 2016. The stakes are high and either member
at the meeting has a lot to lose, if a compromise is not reached; hopefully,
the coming of Donald Trump will not lead to the demise of the Republican Party
as we once know it, today.

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