Saturday, May 11, 2024



8th Year and Counting.


Remembering mother today, May 11, 2021, does not alleviate or satisfy the grief;

 They claim the dead are not asleep, the Bible says they are, asleep in the Lord!

So, l believe that Mama is asleep in the Lord, eight years after laying her to rest;

They say the dead are thousand winds that blow, blowing far, far-away, everywhere;

So, l believe, Mama is the wind that blows everywhere, enveloping the landscape, we cannot hold;

They say the dead are like diamonds that glitters in the snow;

So, l believe Mama is diamond, her memory glitters like snow and grieving for her, hardly abates;

They say the dead are like the sun on ripened grain;

So, l believe Mama’s smiles and encouragements, while with us, are sufficient enough to brighten our tomorrow;

They say the dead are like gentle autumn rain;

So, l believe Mama’s gentle smiles, while with us, are sufficient, gentler than the autumn rain, persistent like the noon time summer sunshine.


Mama, when we awaken on the day of resurrection, when all Saints arise as Jesus Christ promises, remember to torch my face, l’ll like to know you, and see you again!

Mama, when we awaken on the day of resurrection, when there will be no more crying, sorrows or gnashing of teeth, l’ll love to experience the rush of your motherly love, again!

Mama, the birds are still singing in the trees, the hummingbirds are still humming, so, l remember your humming and singing of the Psalms that sweetens my soul, again and again!

Mama, do not let the intransigent persist, nor evil triumph, for their crafts persist in your absence, again and again!

Mama, Momo, let’s rejoice for a moment, for resurrection day is closer every day, again and again!


Rest In Peace!!

I believe grieving the dead is central to human experience; and depicts the substance we all are made off. So, if you grief someone you love, do not feel awkward; it’s part of being human!

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