Sunday, April 16, 2023

Ode to a Mother on the 10th Year Anniversary

In memorial
1929 -2013
Good Morning mother, how is Paradise?
It’s been ten years since you’ve been gone!
Yes, April 10th 2013 – 2023

Oh, how I miss your ebony shinning face and smiles;
Oh, how I miss your motherly love, winces and grimaces;
Oh, how I miss your daily hour of prayers and encouragement;
Oh, how I miss the bond that bind us all in Christ!

Mother, I often imagine that the bond that bind us together was tough;
Mother, I often imagine, the bond may be stretched, pulled, but will never snap;
Mother, I often imagine that brother and sisters will remain sincere and honest to the bind;
Mother, I often imagine that bond will neither tither, shake or break!

Alas, was I wrong: the will is missing, another remains unfound, both remain unsung;
Alas, was I misinformed, both wills are now a misery, unopened, unread, and unexecuted;
Alas, the powers that be, the movers and shakers from your womb, move the sword aimlessly and incautiously;
Alas your wishes remain untendered, dreams unfulfilled, and there is crying and snatching of teeth among the brethren;
Alas, the chicken landed on the ropes, titling and tenderly, without the peace you very much wanted.

Mother, while here, you said, Christ is the hope of the hopeless, mother to the motherless, father to the fatherless, and husband of widows;
The scriptures affirm, and I believe it!
Mother, while with us, you said, Christ forgives sinners and in time of ignorance, God Overlooks;
The scriptures affirm, and I believe it!
Mother, while on your knees, you said Christ is the last beacon of hope for the hopeless, the weak and defeated in spirit and those that are heavily laden;
The scriptures affirm, and l believe it!

Now, to all the saints that rest from the enclave, Dad, aunty Tuminu, uncle Femi, and uncle Dewunmi;
Say me well to them all, for as their sun stetted since you’ve been gone, I imagine their spirit rose to meet the face of Christ.
Now, to the saints called before you in the enclave, Grandpa Dawodu, Grandma Suzzana, and uncle Popo;
Say me well to them all, for as Christ Promises, we shall all meet to part no more at resurrection.
Ma, I hope I am holding us firm as your prayer; that I do not waiver in the times of storms; that at least, in my clumsiness, you can still be proud of me?

Good Night Ma, Rest in Peace.

May be an image of 1 person

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