Keywords or Terms: Misogynistic;
Alpha-Male Persona; Donald Trump; Pay-to-Play; Super PACs; Ted Cruz; Hillary
Clinton; Bernie Sanders; Former US Speaker, John Boehner; Citizens United;
Campaign Finance Reform; Income Inequality; National Politic Office; RNC Party
Rules; Expanding Support Base; and, Building Coalition of Supporters
past Tuesday, April 26, 2016, Hillary Clinton emerged victorious in Democratic
Party primaries in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania. These
victories not only solidify her front runner’s status for party nomination, but
also the endurance of a remarkable campaign apparatus funded by huge campaign
contributions from Wall Street donors and other richer contributors, when
compared with her opponent’s benefactors. Bernie Sanders, Clinton’s main rival,
was only able to muster a squeaky victory in the State of Rhode Island with an
obvious discouragement; asking his campaign strategists, where do we go from
here? In most respect, Americans should not be surprised come the general
elections in November that the building blocks of the former first lady’s
supporters are aligned with Super PACs seeking influence in Washington DC.
These donors understand and have learned handsomely from the flaws in
campaigning for the White House oval office; it is a system fraught with the ‘pay-to-play’
doctrinaire which zillions of politicians from either major American Political
Party will continue to deny.
ascendancy of misogynistic Donald Trump’s candidacy in the Republican Party’s
2016 contest was, and could never have been imagined, even by seasoned political
strategists twelve months ago, were it not for the flaws in the system of
campaigning for public offices in America. The ‘pay-to-play’ doctrinaire has so
much enameled the system that some progressives have become alarmed since the
US Supreme Court Citizen United decision that appears to have open the flood
gate of money into presidential campaign for the White House oval office. Say
what you may, money is the life blood of American Politics; and those who
invest or contribute handsomely to the campaign chest of political aspirants
expect something in return. It is this flaw that Donald Trump, a business mogul
with very little political experience, has exploited vehemently to propel his
candidacy ahead of many seasoned and thorough politicians, with laudable public
service experience either as chief executives at State Capitols or US
Congressmen. That Donald Trump can claim to be likely nominee of the Republican
Party at this time in the race for White House oval, is an attestation of what
has always been wrong with the way America selects aspirants for political
offices, either at the national, state or local level: Whoever plays the piper
dictates the tune!
else do you explain a self-financed say-anything campaign strategy with an
alpha-male persona presidential aspirant, who has never held a political office
even at the precinct level, rising from a grandiose declaration that he is
ready to build a huge wall in the southern border of the United States to keep
away a particular race of people or citizens with Islamic religious affiliation
from entering the United States, rising so rapidly to acquiring about one
thousand delegates and raking in over three million votes ahead of his party’s
rival, and positioning him to claim the mantle of the 2016 Republican Party
flag bearer for the race to White House oval office? A presidential aspirant,
who has flaunted his wealth as he campaigns for the White House oval office,
used derogative language, including insulting epitaphs to define American
females, humiliated Muslims, Blacks as well as Mexicans, and issued declaration
of war against foreign nations, some which the nation is heavily indebted,
continues to rise in polls and upended the Republican Political Structure to
the extent that his likely close rival, Ted Cruz, was declared by a former US
Speaker, John Boehner as: “ Lucifer in the flesh” How about a rather scathing follow-up comment from the former
Speaker about Ted Cruz: “I have Democrats friends and Republican friends. I get
along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son
of a bitch in my life.”
and somehow disturbing, when a seasoned Republican as the former US Speaker of
the House, John Boehner, has just declared and or, thrown his weight behind a
political novice, who continues to rise in the polls despite running a rather
unconventional, some say disgusting campaign for the highest office in the
land, at the expenses of huge chunks of American populace, females, African
Americans and Mexican American, and not only rising in the polls, but has done
very well in over twenty states primaries and caucuses, with recent landslide
victories in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island.
While many of his rivals in the contest for party nomination has shied away
from very many controversial utterance, Donald Trump continues to relish in the
very more despicable categorization of many Americans, and doing very, very
well at the polls. Not only has this new era business mogul done very well in
American political campaign for the highest office in the land, he has
constituted a respite to the traditionally acceptable banner of charging the
interest of your financier, and since he has no fancier, he has chosen to use
his wealth, to railroad any conventional structure within a major political
party, insulted the ‘pay-to-play’ structure of campaigning for political
offices, and done rather triumphantly, more than anyone who has blazon this
type of campaign effort. His candidacy has readily constituted a new direction:
you can make your bed as hostile as you want and very many voters will still
share it with you, your own way!
is it that bundlers and self-interest groups have grown exponentially since US Supreme
Court’s Citizen United Decision? Money contributions and matching funds are
raised farther and as faster as most candidate’s election committees, with some
of these SUPER-PACs raising funds to support advertisement and campaign booster
activities that facilitate the nomination and election of the candidates, out
of the reach of the law. SUPER-PAC’s activities, which is synonymous with a
‘pay-to-play’ system, or the loathed act of bribery in politics, depends on
heavy campaign contributions and funding from bundlers and self-interest
groups, who work to advance their personal and group’s interest. When it comes
to campaign money and where each aspirant has their contributions coming from,
it is probably true to believe that system is corrupt, as many presidential
aspirants have found it as a way of eating off the turf of contributors out of
the eye of the average voter, with a possible pay back to the donors once the
aspirant wins the election into office. The system continues to bedevil the
transparency effort in government and continues to make progressives believe
that power is for sale in American politics. It is with this perception that
critics scorn at the heavy handed influence of the SUPER-PACs; a system rather
distrusted by the average American voter, because of its heavy-handed
influence on American politics.
considerable oversight, the cooperation found between SUPER-PACs and some
presidential campaigns have undermined transparency of our democracy; as the
structure snares at political moderation, relishing mostly in excessive
spending activities, advertisements and programs, to undermine the will of the
people. It is essentially for this reason that many people see the system as
crooked and relatively opaque to the hands of the law. As described by Mr.
Trump, the front runner for Republican nomination in 2016, the campaigning
system is crooked; and, when it comes to delegate selection process at the
state level, especially with the Republican Party, the system is 100% crooked!
when it comes to where each current presidential aspirant gets his or her money
from during this cycle, it is obvious that there are some deception or
falsification of the true identities of the sources of contributions towards
each candidate. For example, While Bernie Sanders, arch rival of Hillary
Clinton for Democratic Party nomination, opposes SUPER PACs, quarreling with
the fact that their fund raising and campaign contributions are associated with,
or synonymous with, influence political peddling. On the other hand, Ted Cruz,
the closest arch rival of Donald Trump, the probable presumptive Republican
Party nominee, has over three Super PACs working in concert with his internal
campaign money raising apparatus; including: 1) Campaign for Keeping the
Promise I, which was formed with 11 million dollars from a Co-CEO of a private Edge
fund firm, in support of Cruz’s election ; 2) Campaign for Keeping the Promise
II, which has raised 10 million dollars for Cruz’s effort – a group getting its
money from energy development investors; and, 3) Campaign for Keeping the
Promise III, which has raised 16 million dollars from one single family selling
rigs for fracking operations to oil and gas explorers. All these Super-PACs are raising these monies
in support of Mr. Cruz’s campaign, and none of them can readily say they are
doing so out of their good heart, nature and or benevolence. Usually, the
SUPER-PACs are attempting to open a path or way for their personal or
institutional interest during the tenure of their beneficiaries. This essentially undermines the will of the people.
the US Supreme Court Citizen’s United Decision, politicians were exempted from
huge contributions from corporations and organizations which are considered or perceived as a conflict of interest in their relationship or connectivity. To a certain extent, the current status-quo, where a candidate’s election committee and supporting SUPER-PACs are
expected to work independently of each other, for the same purpose or interest of an aspirant for a political office, is not holding or appears unsustainable; and where an iota of transparency appears, no one has been able to separate one from each other,
though the law says they must. Candidates have scrumptiously worked behind the
scene with their various SUPER-PACs; and compared with the past, there are no
way an outsider to their scheme can determine, where the money for some
election activities is coming from, without some nudging from either the
candidate or his or her SUPER-PAC(s). Many SUPER-PACs spend about five or
six-folds of what the candidate(s) may spend on advertisements or programs
designed to support their candidacy. The alliance structure, though denied, are
somewhat obvious to a canny eye. A candidate’s campaign interest is buried and
embedded in the spending activities of the supporting SUPER-PACs. These
bundlers and special interest’s groups, known as SUPER-PACAs, accept
contributions from many interest groups and fail to provide the sources of
their contributors; they also position themselves within an easy reach of the
candidate’s election committee, to an extent that you wonder, who is doing what
for this candidate’s election chances. The US Supreme Court Citizen United has
created room for a unique partnership and collaboration between an aspiring candidate and array of SUPER-PACs, that the
public or voter might as well see their candidate and SUPER-PACs as
representative of each other.
this is one reason for the rise of an outsider to the national political
experiment, where an outsider, is so much loved, despite all his political
shortcoming and inadequacies, that he is preferred to seasoned politicians in
office for several years. Establishment political strategists and deal breakers and makers in both major political parties are grappling with an understanding of the accomplishment of someone as
Donald Trump, to the extent that a few of them are saying, better leave it to
the new beaver, than allow existing lion to mash up the process! This has guaranteed
revolt voting from the rank and file to an extent that this revolt has upstaged
establishment Republican politics; and were it not for the pedigree of
Democratic Party aspirants, without the intrusion of outside candidate to the
2016 slate of aspirants, maybe the Democratic Party may have suffered the same
faith as the Republican Party. For example, the delegate allocation system in
the Republican Party has been caricatured by Mr. Trump as a system so crooked,
it may be necessary to clean house once he is nominated as the party’s flag
bearer. Internal reflective exploration by the Republican National Committee
may have to develop a watch-dog committee to see that the party’s rules and
regulations are transparent enough to make all aspirants to national political
office see the system as fair and progressive.
Trump, who is close to reaching the 1,237 delegates needed to snatch the party
flag bearer position, appears to be fighting the rules committee of his party;
he sees a unique and indispensable strength of the rule’s committee, but still
is apprehensive of the nature of hurdle(s) an aspirant has to go through to reach
the 1,237 delegates needed to be the party’s flag bearer. The RNC rule’s
committee have outlined potent rules that applly to all candidates aspiring
for some of the national political offices; however, those rules appear to
disadvantage a possible outsider who has not been able to muster enough
delegates to reach the goal, but has acquired enough victories and popular
votes in the primaries and caucuses to claim credible victory in the process.
As the RNC sees it, a party’s rule stands and rule is a rule, a candidate who
is unable to achieve the required number of delegates prior to convention time,
must subject himself or herself to a contested conference. This is why the
current front-runner, Donald Trump, criticizes the delegate allocation system
as a crooked system.
before in the history of the Republican Party will such potent rule be
suspended or abrogated to favor a particular candidate; and this is where the
RNC Chairman, Reince Priebus, stands. While close opponents of Businessman
Trump as Ohio Governor Kasich argues that the front runner is weak and divisive candidate and Ted Cruz, the second front runner, is coalescing with the governor to deny the front runner enough
victories and delegates to help send the nomination exercise into a contested convention,
the likelihood that this may not happen appears to be in the horizon. In the
coming states’ primaries and conventions, polls indicate that Donald Trump is
leading the pack. If he is able to do well in California (172), Montana (27);
New Jersey (51), New Mexico (24) Indiana (57), Nebraska (36), West Virginia
(34), Oregon (28), South Dakota (29) and Washington (44), it will just be a matter
of time for him to real 1,237 delegates; thus, there is unlikely going to be a
contested convention; however, if the opposite is the offing, then, a contested
Cleveland, Ohio convention, it will be.
strength of recent victories and delegates’ acquisitions in Connecticut,
Delaware, Maryland and Pennsylvania will give Hillary Clinton the needed
influence to bring her party together to face a formidable opponent in Donald
Trump. If Bernie Sander’s performance on May 3rd in Indiana,
followed by West Virginia, Kentucky and Oregon in subsequent weeks are lackadaisical,
and Hillary Clinton builds on her popular votes and delegate counts, the excise
will be wrapped up before the June 14th primary in Washington DC. At worst, she
will wrap up the nomination on July 7, with the contests in California, Montana,
New Jersey, New
Mexico, North and South Dakota. Clinton was rather magnanimous in her response
to a question regarding her being the Democratic Party flag bearer this past
week from a CNN reporter, when she retorted, “I consider myself as someone who’s
on the path; obviously, I’m very far ahead in both the popular vote and the
delegate count.” What can anyone say at this juncture, of the six democratic
party aspirant who began this race a little over fourteen months ago, Lincoln Chafee
(Suspended Campaign, October 23, 2015); Jim Webb (Suspended Campaign, October
20, 2015) Lawrence Lessig (Suspended Campaign, November 2, 2015) Martin O’Malley
(Suspended campaign, February 1 2016), Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton; she
is the only female and the best funded, raising close to 200 million dollars
for the exercise, and the only one likely to attain the required number of
delegates to carry the flag for the Democratic Party. Her growing popularity
will demand that she become more accommodating, more reflective and better
informed of the populist issues, Bernie Sander’s campaign has alluded to,
campaign finance reform and income inequality.
one’s ability to build coalitions of supporters, allowing you to expand your
voters’ base of supporters in the general population and somewhat, capacity on
issues you initially consider as out of your league of important items to your White
House campaign goal, maybe this is the time to look at those and see where
accommodation is possible for the greater good of your campaign and to afford opportunity
for a general election victory in November. The value of each voter and the
potential support for your brand will continue to grow once you understand the essence
of coalition building and the importance of greater support in an environment,
where it appears the polls is in your favor. Your potential opponent will be investing
in party building exercise just like you; however, it appears that you have a
better edge considering the bar-none, speak whatever you like strategy of the
Donald Trump campaign strategy. Even if he moves to the center, it is rather
unlikely that many voters he has offended will come around, considering the
probable harm and damage to relations between his campaign and the community of disaffected
citizens. Moreover, there is little evidence that Donald Trump’s approach to
campaigning for the White House oval office will change, the alpha-male persona
is too ingrained for him to hide in a general election. Thus, if Donald Trump
ends up being the Republican Party flag bearer, barring death, it is likely
that Hillary Rodham Clinton, will be the occupant of White House oval office
come January, 2017.
The Kalanidhi Dance Company performing Kuchipudi dance at the Library of Congress in 2013. Kuchipudi is a sacred dance form from South India of ancient origins. An energetic dance style traditionally performed by men, it is danced here by a women’s troupe from Maryland. Source: Library of Congress: Folk & Popular Dance

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