or Terms: Establishment Republican Leaders; Marco Rubio; Jeb Bush; Donald
Trump; Novice Politician; Flawed candidacy; First White House Floridian Republican
Hispanic; Establishment Candidacy; Neophyte; Small fish Republican Aspirants; Mentor Vs. protégé;
Social Media Fights; and Outside Challenger
By the time Macro Rubio was talking at Atlantic University in Palm
Beach, Florida on Monday, March 14, 2016, he probably wasn’t expecting a
bomb-shell landslide loss to one of the angriest and loathsome aspirant for the
2016 White House, Reality Show host, Donald Trump. His inability to adjust to
the twist and turns of the ever changing and gravitating electorate was
probably one of the reasons he lost in his home state to a New Yorker, tonight. Were his premises of what works best in Republican primaries or caucuses in 2016 White House race flawed? Was his estimation of genuine support from Floridian Republicans after
the exit of Jeb Bush from the race subject to a second guess? In current race
for the White House, it appears that Republican voters are turning against the
Establishment Republican Class altogether and shifting their loyalty to an
outsider; an outsider many hardly know or understand his politics. Is this an experiment;
or was this long overdue, or was it something that would have taken place
outside Donald Trump’s candidacy for party nomination? Florida Republicans
would have to pose similar questions to themselves in November, should Donald
Trump lose the White House oval office to Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders?
The candor or absence of self-evaluation by Senator Marco
Rubio demands a comparative or introspective evaluation by political pundits,
who earlier had predicted the demise of Donald Trump, based on his brand of
campaign. America and probably Floridians Republicans had never been upset or
disagreeable to Establishment Republican candidates as they are in current
campaign cycle. First, it was Rick Perry; second, Lindsey Graham; third, Jeb
Bush; and now, Marco Rubio, all top notch or seasoned establishment candidates,
who were torpedo and brutally embarrassed in the race for Republican Party
nomination. Republican leaders had never expected as many as these “establishment
candidates” falling on the way side against a “novice politician” as Donald
In spite of his unconventional campaign strategy, including a narcissistic and somewhat racist caricature of American minorities,
Donald Trump has surpassed the probably insurmountable competition, equally surprising Establishment Republicans and Independents on the way to Republican Party
probable, nomination. Further, despite his offensive use of language in
referring to several minority groups the party had sought to court, the
front-runner had made greater inroads to the hearts of many likely Republican
voters. Donald Trump had not only beaten the establishment candidates in their
game at over seventeenth states, he had outclassed some of these seasoned politicians
on their home turf with breath-taking humiliation. The truth appears to be that,
there are shortcomings in the way 2016 Republican Establishment candidates had
run their race for party nomination; and to a larger extent, all of them,
including the most seasoned and long serving in state capitols, appear to have
missed the tempo of the hearts of Republican voters in current presidential nomination
Without similar dramatic departure or characteristic uptake,
the winner of the Democratic Party’s primaries in Ohio, Florida, North Carolina,
Missouri, and probably Illinois, would be the establishment candidate, Hillary
Clinton. Her probable insurmountable delegate lead as of Tuesday’s night
primaries and caucuses' results are now even more difficult to close by the next
rival; and the ill-fated presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders for Democratic
Party nomination, is now perceptually and perpetually, moribund. Further, the
possibility of turning the tides of the huge gulf of delegates and super
delegates between Hillary and Bernie, are now acceptable as herculean, as
further results emerge from other state’s primaries and the extent of loss to
the first Democratic Party female nominee flag bearer, become so glaring and obvious,
that it is probably, a nightmare for the competition. The only great thing about
the Democratic race is that Bernie’s Sander’s performance against the likely
nominee has not been such a blunder, as to tarnish the image and prospect of a
White House’s future run, as is the case for at least one of the Establishment
Republican candidates.
As Tuesday’s results show in Florida, Illinois and North
Carolina, the lure of Donald Trump candidacy for the Republican Party
nomination and by default the White House oval office, are real. If Establishment
Republicans find his candidacy as obscene and not worth the mantle of their
party, it is probably too late by now; only a negotiated conference can now
deny Mr. Trump’s Republican Party nomination. Bar this, it is probably safe to
assume that, despite the disaffection and dissatisfaction by majority of Establishment
Republicans, the rank and file have spoken; and since we are a democratic society
or country, it will be ill-advised to want to deny Trump’s campaign party
nomination and by default, contest for the White House oval office. Any shroud
against his candidacy or the front runner, would serve no one’s interest, no
matter how Establishment Republican leadership placate his candidacy, or use unconventional campaign strategy to topple the mainstream or far right
Republican candidature.
It is not only extremely disappointing for the support of the
44-year old rising star in the Republican party, there is ample reason to
believe that his challenge and fallout from Jeb Bush, in campaigning for party
nomination, may have undone his chances or beleaguered his future in Florida
politics. This is probably why he ended his campaign for the White House
tonight with the message to his supporters: "There's nothing more than you could have
done!" No one could have faulted Marco Rubio’s; however, there were
loyalist of Jeb Bush, who could not bring themselves to vote for his protégé,
no matter what the party stalwarts may tell them. The blunder of challenging
his mentor for party nomination could have been the slapstick that came to
roust at state’s primary. Over the past eight months, Marco Rubio’s choice to
challenge Jeb Bush appeared to have undercut his credibility among supporters
of Jeb Bush’s candidacy; and, the initially acceptable or engineered political
objective of bringing the Hispanics to Republican Party’s fold, while very
noble as conceived by the protagonists, the fact that one promising Hispanic
candidate or leader, showed early or quick ambition, by attempting to erode
the leadership and recognition of Jeb Bush in Floridian Republican Party, may
have accounted for the humiliating loss of Marco Rubio in his home state, in what is now
considered, an ambition killer, if not political apocalypse for the political
career of the first White House Floridian Republican Hispanic.
The attempt to undermine a known mentor in state party
politics at the national level, while not only the reason for Marco Rubio’s
loss this evening, no one would or must discountenance this within the
Floridian Republican Party. The difficulty of accepting that young Hispanic
Marco Rubio, a protégé of an authentic establishment Floridian Republican
leader, Jeb Bush, with a prospect of becoming a national party leader, may have
offended some Republican loyalists and voters, who are true and loyal to the
Jeb Bush brand. Suspicion of Marco Rubio’s quick ascendancy in the National Republican Party stratosphere and more growing recognition
outside Floridian Republican Party, may have done his 2016 White house race, and arouse home-state voters' disaffection and displeasure, more than the campaign strategy of aspirant, Donald Trump.
Florida Establishment Republicans, who understand the power wielded by Jeb Bush
within the Floridian Republican Party, may consider Marco Rubio’s 2016 White
House ambition more of a disaffection or disloyalty of a protégé to probably, a
renowned Republican leader, Jeb Bush of the State of Florida. The fear of
disloyalty or worst yet – setting bad example by undermining the hand that fed
you – may have discouraged further support for Marco Rubio’s campaign for the
White House, once Jeb Bush fell by the wayside. The true and authentic
question, which many Establishment Floridian Republicans are asking in private
is this: “If Jeb could not do it, how could Marco Rubio, a disaffected protégé
of his, with light weight support from all sphere of interest groups within the party
at national level?”
There are some in the press who would like to believe that
Marco Rubio’s strength at the national level are bereft of his influence or
clout in Florida Republican Party. Others have indicated that, like Marco
Rubio’s campaign team strategized, the aspirant’s strength at the national
level lies in his ability to maintain a tight-knit shift of close advisers, who
are able to keep mum about the best options of their candidate and streamlining
those options to a national audience of Republican Party supporters who are
yearning for new breed of Republican leadership. These groups of supporters are
said to be ready for the next generation party leaders to replace the long
standing and probably, discredited establishment Republicans who are betrothed to American Corporate welfare interests and whom many Tea party memberships are
disaffected with in current cycle of nomination. The important question for
Marco Rubio now is not whether he had lost the nomination; rather, how far has
he fallen within the Republican Party with this loss, is it to an irredeemable
level that will impact his future chances of running for the White House? As a
young and promising Republican leader, will this loss be a career killer for
his ambition; or is it probably, a minor setback that can easily be overcome?
The perceived disloyalty of Marco Rubio to Jeb Bush may trounce any love for
future national ambition by Republican voters, or guarantee a second coming,
with better name recognition at the National Republican Party level; however,
this could be an overestimation of the gravity of the loss?
Marco Rubio’s campaign for 2016 White House was probably
flawed from the beginning because of the perceptual disloyalty to his mentor;
and this may have been the cog in the wheel of his early rise within the party’s
national hemisphere. By attempting to force a run for the White House in 2016
election cycle, where and when his mentor had indicated obvious interest, may
have provided the ammunition for some Jeb Bush’s loyalist and followers to skin
Marco’s ambition or deny him essential support that could have helped him
overcome the wave of challenge from Donald Trump. Hopefully, there is a
forgiveness in the hearts of Floridian Republican establishment and Marco will
rise from the ashes again?

Further, there are others who maintain that the premises above
have really nothing to do with the failure of Marco Rubio to win the Republican
nomination; that in all the contests so far, Marco Rubio had only managed a
single state victory in Minnesota; and, his choice to go on the offensive,
one-on-one against Donald Trump after February 25th debate, probably
sealed his fate. To this group, the conjecture of Marco’s social media fights
with Trump and “small hands” elephant in the room caricature, was the true
reason for his landslide loss in his home state. While there are some validities
to this perception, there are people like me that will like to believe, it
is more than that; and, the failure of Marco Rubio at the polls, especially in
his home state at a rather critical junction, is more telling of how some
Floridian Republicans perceived his announcement to run against his mentor. The
flow of support from Jeb Bush’s loyalist are not easily transferable to a
neophyte or small fish in the Florida Republican Party pond. Old habits die
hard; and heavy hearted Floridian Republicans who saw their favorite candidate,
Jeb Bush, fall on the way side, may not be easily expected to metamorphosed to
his protégé’s supporters; ironically ensuring the success of someone considered
as a promising star of the future. As often said in politics, you have to wait
your turn!
In addition, it appeared that Marco Rubio caught all the flacks
of the Floridian Establishment Republican Elite. His candidacy splinted loyalty
even among non-establishment Floridian Republicans. He lacked solid support from
the rank and file, pro-abortion groups and gay right groups; neither was he
held to any esteem by other pressure groups within the party that could
have made a difference to his candidacy, the centrists, defense hawks or
evangelical Christians. Even after Jeb Bush got out of the race, ironically
ensuring further or additional support from National Establishment Republicans,
the uncertainties or perceived disloyalty of Marco’s run in some quarters, was
hard to swallow; and the formula that could have tied together the Florida
Republican support for one candidate, was lost or at best, flaky. Thus, the
failure of some Floridian Republican to bring themselves to vote for Marco
Rubio, and urge to punish the protégé for his unceremonious nose thumbing of
his mentor, the outcome of tonight's Florida Republican primary results. Jeb Bush, the unofficial Hispanic Republican aspirant of the state,
prior to the entry of his protégé to the race, had been ridden of the allure
and support that went to Marco Rubio, once he declared his candidacy. Thus, it
wasn’t only the social media fight with the alleged front-runner that probably
did him in; it was more of a retribution for failure to fall in line, or unwelcome premature political ambition of a Floridian Republican up-starter.
Rubio's expectation of unflinching support from Floridian Republicans for his national office run was probably shortsighted. The outrage to Marco’s premature
ambition in some establishment Floridian Republican quarters may have subverted complete loyalty to his curse after the fall of Jeb Bush; neither was his call for unity among Floridian Republicans answered at the polls. Further, the attempt and exercise of choice to run in the 2016 White House race and subsequent failure at the polls, probably told more
about the vulnerability of an underweight politician, who considered knocking heads with his mentor his prerogative. The issue of loyalty became central to
the campaign for party nomination, at least in the Florida Republican Party immediately
Marco Rubio announced his ambition. By the time Jeb Bush had fallen or opted
out, the seed of discord and discontentment had already been sown among some rather loyal Establishment
Republicans in Florida. Jeb Bush’s somewhat lukewarm romance with Marco Rubio’s
campaign after his exit, was in essence, a nemesis to his protégé’s ambition.
Neither could Marco leverage support from Jeb Bush’s cronies; or was able to
gain real support of unyielding commitment from preponderance Establishment Republicans
and power-brokers, that could have made a difference in national politics. Marco today is neither a Republican Party nominee for 2016, nor a Floridian Senator. The
victory of John Kasich in Ohio despite a tough fight from Donald Trump, essentially bore out the fallacy of premature ambition and the essence of statewide preponderance support and loyalty for a politician, hardly facing an intra-party insurrection. Had Kasich suffered a similar
atmosphere as Marco Rubio tonight, he would equally have lost with a landslide
to the outside challenger, Donald Trump.
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