Keywords or
Terms: Washington, Alaska, Hawaii ; Dumping luxury designer bags, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Kleo, Caoch, Palladino, Marcie Prada, Dolby and Cabana, Hermes, Long champ, Micheal Kors, Hilde Gucci, All Saints, Lana Marks and Fendi for Bernie; Corporate Wall Street; Feel-the-Bern!; Youthful Enthusiasms and Exuberance; Candid Reality; Democratic Super delegates;
Corporate Wall Street; and the future

While some Democratic Super delegates are completely beholden to the former US Secretary of State’s campaign, the other undecided Super delegates in other states may want to rethink their loyalty or question their past misgiving and give Bernie Sanders a chance at the trophy. The brilliance of the three victories over a formidable candidate, while not necessarily delegate rich to overcome the past disparity, signals the brilliance of a self-styled revolutionary campaign, that calls to question the committed sworn super delegates to the wife of a former president of the United States, seeking to become president, herself.
In Bernie Sander’s campaign,
the depth and breath of his probably ultra-liberal messaging become clearer
even to apolitical novices, that Corporate Wall Street big businesses and usurpers have hijacked our democracy; and unless we rally round a credible candidate
like Bernie Sanders to reclaim their strong hold on America’s democracy and
economy, we are about toast. And, even in the face of a huge gulf in delegates’
count in favor of Hillary Clinton, a huge gulf that may likely grow with the
movement of the contests to delegate rich states in the coming weeks, Bernie Sanders
is unlikely to throw in the towel. The allure, affinity and exuberance of
youthful America behind his campaign, which I witnessed first-hand this weekend,
are just too convincing and infectious that for him to go away now will be
like a death in the family for this group. Bernie Sanders is the only love they
have and they are ready to go to bat for him come rain or shine. Bernie is an
indisputable rival and Hillary Clinton had better seek the magic in Bernie’s
campaign if she is going to do well among this voter group come November.
Beyond the the foreign policy credential and expertise of the two term Senator from the State of New York, there is hardly
any doubt that the way Bernie Sanders has conducted his campaign for the 2016
White House, would easily have unseated or toppled another candidate with that credential
and experience for nomination, were it not Hillary Clinton; the wife of an establishment likable past president of the country. Bernie’s oratory at
Washington State Sea-hawk's field, the celebratory atmosphere and exciting
youthful drumming, just make his campaign out of this world if you are in the
middle of his fans and supporters. Unfortunately, the rule-making regarding the
contest for party nominee appears to have disadvantage the Vermont Independent
Senator from the beginning of the contest.

Factoring out the impact of
Governor O’Malley’s campaign, maybe Bernie Sander’s campaign messaging could
have sunk in farther, with many voters; and, the enthusiasm witnessed this weekend could readily have delivered exponential growth of ‘Feel-thee-Bern’
brand across the country. Caucusing at my precinct, I came to a realization
that more than ever, my initial disposition is not as credible as I initially
thought and my son’s premonition, a college student in his early twenties, was
far better than my predictions. Given the current conviction and follower-ship of the young and restless youths, especially the college kids, no other candidate at this time has convinced them better than Bernie Sanders; and were
the youth’s vote the consideration for party nomination, ‘Feel the Bern’ brand
is a runaway victory in 2016 White House race. With as many as three to one support
difference in some Washington State precincts between Bernie and Hillary,
younger voters are just in love with Bernie!
For example, the youths around
the the western cities in Washington State, Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia,
believe their long awaited revolutionary messiah in 2016 election is here; and
there is none like Bernie Sanders. Separately and collectively, the youths
openly voiced their support and commitment to Bernie’s message and question
adult’s premonition that Bernie Sanders is not electable for socialistic doctrinaire; and for other reasons which may look distant to the youths at this
time. Thus, it is a fruitless effort delivering your vote and support behind him, at the expense of Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the 2016 White House oval
office. The issues – impacting the Democratic party nomination process and
overall elect-ability of a socialist in a general election – are issues that are impeding complete support for Bernie Sanders as establishment Democrats want
the White House to remain in the hands of the party come January, 2017. For my
son and other millennials, Bernie is the real deal, no matter what baby boomers and the elderly say
about his campaign. And come November, when Hillary Clinton is the Democratic
Nominee, folks should not be surprised if the youths are not coming along as
they should: “they are just unimpressed with somewhat lukewarm or unenthusiastic Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the White House oval office.”
It is never easy to predict what will come next in November, especially when it comes to a contest between the Republican Party’s ultimate nominee and Hillary Clinton. This past weekend for example in Washington State, the youths woke up with the feverish ‘Feel the Bernie’ loyalty that was close to being infectious, even for many of us who have surveyed the numbers and come to a realization, it is going to be difficult for any candidate, not only Bernie, to overcome the huge disparity in delegates count at the national level. Never the less, the gathering of Washington State’s youths in the prescient and their deliberations about Bernie’s campaign messages were not only youthfully and somehow infectious, they were occasionally at the messianic category or level, when you attempt to engage them with the reality of the delegates’ count. The passionate speeches and pointed rhetoric from some of the youths were like the next big thing arriving on earth. Bernie has connected with this group the way no other candidate, Democrat or Republican, has done in this election cycle. What remains to be seen is whether Bernie Sanders can eventually translate the youth’s emotion to votes that can make him scale the gulf or differences between him and former US Secretary of State
It is never easy to predict what will come next in November, especially when it comes to a contest between the Republican Party’s ultimate nominee and Hillary Clinton. This past weekend for example in Washington State, the youths woke up with the feverish ‘Feel the Bernie’ loyalty that was close to being infectious, even for many of us who have surveyed the numbers and come to a realization, it is going to be difficult for any candidate, not only Bernie, to overcome the huge disparity in delegates count at the national level. Never the less, the gathering of Washington State’s youths in the prescient and their deliberations about Bernie’s campaign messages were not only youthfully and somehow infectious, they were occasionally at the messianic category or level, when you attempt to engage them with the reality of the delegates’ count. The passionate speeches and pointed rhetoric from some of the youths were like the next big thing arriving on earth. Bernie has connected with this group the way no other candidate, Democrat or Republican, has done in this election cycle. What remains to be seen is whether Bernie Sanders can eventually translate the youth’s emotion to votes that can make him scale the gulf or differences between him and former US Secretary of State
This is the reality that many
young Democrats are hardly ready to acknowledge or failing to believe. Hillary
Clinton has won twenty States or territories (Alabama, Arkansas, American
Samoa, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts,
Missouri,Northern Mariana islands, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada; Ohio,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia); and Bernie Sanders, fifteen
States (Alaska, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota,
Maine, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Utah, Vermont and Washington). The
remaining contests on April 19th and 26th are much more
favorable for Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders. The populist message from
Bernie Sanders that big corporate money is sticking it to America may be alluring
to the youths, they are not just strong enough to swerve the devotion of the
baby boomers and senior citizens, who are more likely to vote in November than
his current base of support.
While many youths are investing their valuable
time volunteering and campaigning across the country in support of Bernie Sander’s
ambition, it is also important that they contemplate the question of the
viability of him becoming Democratic Party nominee. Is there really a path to
the nomination for him? What is it that the preponderance of democrats or
likely voters in the general election want? More than compulsion of a populist
message that big corporate America is sticking it to all of us, while we are
made to fend for ourselves in a competitive market, what exactly is the change
proposed going to deliver for us in the coming years? Are they realistic with
the arrangement of economic indicators and political hegemony? Beyond the
western styled, probably close to cultist favor for Bernie Sanders campaign
message, what else can the voters cling on to make his proposal a reality in a
cut-throat competitive capitalistic apparatus that has existed for more than
two and half centuries? According to some political pollsters, if Bernie Sanders
can find a way to topple Hillary Clinton for the party nomination as flag bearer,
can his brand of politics actually win out in a general election, where all the
stakes for votes are all encompassing including personal ideology, regional and
nationwide support, political experience, campaign funding and a confluence of
other realities and variables, that may not be in favor of a socialist in a
capitalist system of government?
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