Keywords or Terms: Hurricane Sandy; Deaths, Floods, Train Tracks Collapse;
FEMA; Privatization; Profits; Heartlessness; and, the Republican Party Flag Bearer
Is the battle for the hearts and souls of the American
voters bringing the worst in the Republican Party Flag bearer? Is Mitt Romney’s
obsession for making money clouding his sense of compassion and reasoning when
he re-affirmed that he wanted FEMA privatized? Can anyone explain to me,
since I went to late night school, how a politician would like to make money
from severe super storms, likened to an explosion of a 500 thousand tons bomb coming
off at the same time, by eminent climatologists? Is there really anything that
people wouldn’t try to make money off? I learn some people are making money
off disposal of you know what, could that happen to disaster from the fury of nature and emergency
management? Can some people make money from the miseries
and misfortunes that have consumed lives, properties and displaced thousands, if
not millions? How shocked will anyone going through the misery of Hurricane
Sandy, hearing that someone out there is attempting to make profits from their
misfortune caused by ravages of the huge storm?
Talking with Mr. John King of Cable News Network sometimes
ago, Mitt Romney offered to privatize FEMA. The only final public safety net in
time of horrendous and disastrous storms and hurricanes; human sufferings and
misery; the Federal Emergency and Management Administration (FEMA), is to be
turned over to the private money-makers, if Mitt Romney had his way! Geez! Or,
in the alternative, the hypocritical Republican flag bearer will send the
functions of FEMA to the state or local governments, to manage. Imagine asking
the State of New York alone, to manage the aftermath of 85 miles per hour winds
and 14 feet of flood waters from high and historical tides from Hurricane Sandy?
Imagine also, how overwhelming Hurricane Katrina was for the City of New Orleans and State of Louisiana to manage? Can you ever imagine
that anyone, let alone a prominent politician who will like to be President,
will recommend privatization of FEMA? What private profit-driven enterprise can
mobilize enough resources and power to stabilize the confusions during
disasters like this? Does the Republican flag bearer understand the implication
of privatizing first responders and the selfless work they do?
Hurricane Sandy, the largest and most expansive hurricanes
this year, one that is breaking old century weather records for floods, storms
and rains; one that is giving virtually all climatologists and meteorologists
concern, or nightmare; is being contemplated as a source of green back
generation! While some progressives are miffed at our politicians still
dilly-dallying over the question of the veracity of climate change, someone out
there is contemplating making a buck from people’s misery and misfortune! Despicable, In-compassionate and Unthinkable? Imagine living in
Staten or Long Island tonight or other exclusive Islands in New
York and New Jerseys,
where water front homes are collapsing like a pack of cards into water, where
nature is informing all residents who is king, can you fathom that someone can
be contemplating privatizing an all too important institution of public safety? Can
you imagine family members living in the paths of hurricane sandy?
The horrible storm has knocked down tree branches unto roads
and probably isolated thousands in various communities, on its path. Parts of New York and New
Jersey have been inundated with knee deep floods; the
storm has forced airlines to cancel flights and passengers, travel plans. The
New York Mercantile Stock Exchange has been closed because of the storms. Many
homes have caught fire, with winds blowing at unimaginable pace, electrically
ignited fires continue to move from homes to homes in some areas, and worse more,
no one can adequately predict the magnitude and costs of this disaster and storm? Scary stuff, eh? Without
urgent evacuation of millions of residents, the disaster may even be worse than
can be imagined at this stage. With tides and extensive flooding scaring the
daylights out of residents, can you imagine one politician re-affirming his
belief that the last point of defense, the first responders, FEMA, fire
fighters, police, teachers and more, should be privatized? No one is tallying
the cost yet, but tentative estimates are putting the cost of hurricane Sandy and storms at about
ten billion or more dollars. This is not counting the loss on Wall Street for
shutting down transactions for two days in a row?
Interestingly, in the world of the Republicans, storms and
disasters are appropriate opportunities to make money. Hurricane Sandy is about to be made
a huge money maker for the Republicans, if Mitt Romney wins the November 6th
elections! No more FEMA working with worried State and local governments;
rather, the public will be left at the mercy of a pretty young secretary of a
small-sized company held up in a tiny hole, making decisions regarding whether
to warn people to quickly move to safer grounds uphill; or the soon to come,
private emergency warehouse or way-house, after every disastrous weather nightmares? Can a private enterprise be able to pay or manage the size of infrastructure damage in the States of New Jersey and New York, tonight?
Executives, likely without emergency preparedness training, will
be making decisions regarding the falling power lines and where private emergency vehicles
are supposed to be heading and what impacted residents are to receive evacuation
or support first, during any emergency like this? Someone without standard hydrological training or weather
forecasts experience will be projecting what is the best line of action to help
residents of many cities in the path of the storms or disaster? Small Cities
and towns in remote places that are getting the attention of FEMA today, will probably
be jettisoned for lesser impacted areas or peoples? Families suffering from the
ravages of the storms, high dusty winds and power outages will have to depend
on splintered information coming from multiple sources of private emergency companies
that may or not, understand the history of the area with storms. The ruins of
the disaster and tough weather; and, the aftermath mess and clean-up, will be
provided by multiple private emergency companies, interested in making
fortune from the disasters? For example, between two to three million New
Yorkers, who have lost electricity tonight, will have to deal with multiple private
companies juggling to talk the talk and walk the walk of the mantra: “private
investors and money makers do it best!”
City residents on the path of the storms and hurricanes, or
other disasters, can forget government shelters, supplemental help, warm food
and beds as reprieves in time of these storms; some of these storms that have
been known to lead to both financial and psychological stress, over extended period, is now to be managed be emergency companies without insurance to cover billion dollar losses? How will or can, a small private company, in the middle of hell, appreciate or crystallize the associated human sufferings and difficulties that also accompany these periods? Could you imagine a private emergency company in Manhattan attempting to get food and water to thousands in Staten Island right now without lights and electricity? Some of these disasters repeat
themselves over several cycles of years and make residents psychologically defeated.
Can you imagine an attempt to have a private for profit enterprise, managed by a
few “Chiefs”, with only 50 workers, attempting to manage the emergencies
associated with the type of work FEMA is currently providing? Imagine the
caption on tomorrows headlines after a horrible disaster like today's, the private for profit, Storms, Hurricanes and
Flood Managing Company Incorporated, had just declared Upper
Manhattan unreachable after the storms, so they wouldn’t be helping
those stranded residents in the Upstate and lower New York?
These are just a few of the potential consequences of privatizing FEMA, the way the Republican flag bearers had suggested and continues
to re-assert. Americans must be free to make money off other peoples in their
dire straight times. Yea, that’s great
wisdom in privatization; that’s how to help small businesses thrive on other
Americans’ misfortunes, that’s how to help Americans overcome the vagaries of weather
that has been blamed for multiple loss of lives, fires that rescuers cannot get
to, raging fires in several communities, unfounded stories of discomfort and
hospital patients’ relocation from hospital beds, because electricity
went out in their current hospital and care centers. To say the least, this is unconscionable; and, Mr. Romney must be made to retract his suggestions and apologize to the millions that are suffering in several Northeastern Coast states.
While many Americans in the US North East, especially New York,
Connecticut, Maryland New Jersey and more, are so grateful and thankful for having an agency as FEMA helping
out during these challenging times, without charging or attempting to make profit off their back, the Republican Flag bearer has promised. Governor Romney reaffirmed his conviction that federal disaster reliefs for natural disaster as the one in US North-East are waste of government resources. In the estimation and spirit
of Governor Romney’s position; and for those who are likely to vote for him,
here is my sarcastic face book post response: “No, No,
our "President" Romney is going to privatize the first responders
jobs! Why bother about the first responders or saving lives? Yes, we can make
money off people's misery, and disaster. Strong winds, train collapse,
evacuation of unfortunate stranded people going through gusty winds all over
North East are good for profits! Let's go make it...! Let's go make profit at
the expense of the 47% and more. That's the Republican way! BRAVO!!!”

Under Mitt Romney stewardship of the White House: "First, is the tax cut from hell; followed by privatization of Medicaid and Medicare; then Social Security. Second, is the privatization of FEMA, so that private enterprises can make money off the misfortune(s) and heartaches of Americans, just the way Mitt Romney did at Bains Capital. Third, is the privatization of Federal Reserve Bank. Fourth, is the eradication of US Department of Education. Fifth, is the demolish of Obamacare and the turning away of millions from health insurance. Sixth, is the nomination of hard right and extreme conservatives to Federal Bench and the Supreme Court. You can imagine what other stuffs this clown is going to bring into our lives! Can you imagine, if residents of New York had to negotiate how much it will cost them to be safe or pulled out of the path of the storm?
Can you further imagine dealing with thousands of private enterprises in an emergency situation, without a centralized 911 call? The new private emergency enterprises that will spring up will likely have a representative on K-street, Washington DC, lobbying not to pay or take care of the aftermath of the deaths and miseries of Americans in storms like this one in the US North East. These companies will be lobbying for millions of corporate welfare from congress. While victims of the storms and ravages will be left to fend for themselves, these companies will be denying reality about the storms. That is essentially, what type of America we will all be experiencing under Mitt Romney’s Administration. In case anyone is still in doubt about Romney's conviction, or statement to John King of CNN last time, a reporter re-confirmed this today: Romney has not changed his ambition to privatize FEMA! Any voter, who is offended by this line of reasoning, please exercise your right to vote your interest in the coming elections.
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