Thursday, August 27, 2020

American Presidential Campaign: Trump/Pence Team Stormy and Cloudy Future?

After three days of watching the RNC, one can safely say, their message of Fear and Armageddon, but for re-electing Trump, is not resonating with voters and viewers; nor, representing the realities on the ground in today’s America. The psychological impact of watching another minority black man murdered in daylight America, in Kenosha, Wisconsin; the murdering of two protesters by a 17-year old vigilante militia from Antioch, Illinois; the barrage of storms, winds and rains coming from the South Eastern Coast; the suspension of some scheduled NBA games for August 26, 2020; coupled with the hearth-felt statements of “the Doc”, Clipper’s Coach, Glenn Anton Rivers, practically drowned out Vice-President Pence’s acceptance speech for the 2020 Trump/Pence Republican Party nomination. The confluence of multiple events in the life of America during a party’s national conference, and the failure of the top ticket, Donald Trump, President of the United States, to address issues that really mattered to the daily American life, essentially, made whatever Republican Party’s messages for another four-year term of “Trumpism” tonight, inconsequential; and or, irrelevant.

It was as if, nature and the efforts expended by Republican National Convention and their team of candidates for 2020 general election, were not in alignment. Just as Hurricane Laura roared across the Louisiana Coastlines, the threatening storms taking out multiple communities and objects, the category four tropical storms’ landfall, smutched over 130 miles of Gulf Coast region, with 90 miles-per-hour winds on Lake Charles, Louisiana, flooding multiple surrounding communities, were simultaneously telling of a discordant Republican Party’s messages and America’s future. If the message of the category four tropical storms from the South-Eastern Shores in a pandemic time, coupled with the compelling grievances against the daily murdering of Americans by the blue badge, were meant to send a message to the Trump/Pence team, it is probably, their November 3, 2020 re-election chances are doomed. The gusty winds from Hurricane Laura, is advising that Americans stay sheltered, not only from the tropical storms and damages, but also, the ravages of “Trumpism”, as well. Daily, Americans are finding, that the smoky tyrannical White Supremacy ideology, is getting overbearing; hence, scorching, and searching to escape the tyranny and misfortune of a failing experiment. Albeit, it appears, the RNC tonight’s messaging, while ignoring the realities on the ground in America, supports voter’s apprehension of the future of the Trump/Pence team; and, just as the warm waters from Hurricane Laura was threatening the Ohio valley, North-Western Arkansas, and trapping residents of the Louisiana coast lines, American voters are revolting against extension of the life of “Trumpism” for America.

Incidentally, for the Trump/Pence team, the November elections is a forgone conclusion, a victory that will never be matched by any other. While the Democratic National Convention’s Biden/Harris team may be undermining the Republican National Convention’s Trump/Pence team’s argument for reelection, believing the realities on the ground in America, including lackadaisical dropping of the ball regarding the pandemic and the exacerbated police brutality and killings of minority Black Americans, facilitated by the untended atmosphere created in the country from “Trumpism”, the Trump/Pence team continues to believe their message of fear and repudiation of the leftist ideology of inclusiveness, will amount to success at the November polls. For them, the impending rejection of “Trumpism” has not amounted to a failure of the White Supremacy Ideology; but, a personal vendetta against Donald Trump by the press and leftists. Their premonition: Americans strongly support Trump, and his ideology – ‘Making America Great Again’, and many will vote for “Trumpism” come November, 3, 2020. Like many ‘wannabe’ dictatorial teams, Trump/Pence considers themselves to be highly favored and popular because their message of minimizing any influence and consequences of the position of the minority groups in America, or complete disenfranchisement, is tenable, and accountable for: Making America Great Again; hence, their rational for making a case for re-election and continued leadership.

Instead of attending to the ravages of the pandemic on America, the Trump/Pence team has advocated that, the America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) temper down any effort of re-testing Americans that may have once suffered from the Coronavirus. As surmised in one of Trump/Pence campaign messages, testing for the spread of the virus, will only allude to finding out, others with this same ailment; and that essentially, is unacceptable to their re-election chances. For Trump/Pence team, America’s medical and scientific communities' support for widespread national testing for the spread of the virus, is antithetical to success of the Trump/Pence re-election. While conventional wisdom attain that there is need for widespread testing of Americans and follow-up to ensure that the people are protected from the virus and kept healthy for productive life; and hence, conquering the spread of the virus and allowing for the opening up of the society, particularly affording for the resurgence of the economy, and probably, a much promising chances of the Trump/Pence team,. The duo have chosen the short cut or short way out: an immediate and better re-election chance, at the expense of American lives. The glaring failure of this type of strategy shows the underbelly of the selfishness of “Trumpism” and the Trump/Pence campaign.

Societal interaction and economic productivity have been on the decline since the widespread of the Coronavirus in America. The Trump Administration has refused to work hard to build a healthier populace by supporting universal testing and treatment of Americans who suffer, or have suffered, from the spread of the virus. The re-election of the Trump/Pence team is more of paramount importance to the top of the ticket; hence, the continued denial of the major spread of the virus; labeling the ailment, a Democratic Party hoax. What the Trump/Pence team has failed to realize is that, there are some things in the life of a country that are greater than political campaigns for re-election of an incumbent team. The Health Status of the nation’s peoples, is one of those!

Choosing to rush to open the economy to bolster their election chances, the Trump/Pence team is failing to realize the long-term threat and substantial impact on America’s health status, of denying the spread of the virus; and, sabotaging medical and scientific institutions’ efforts to root out the virus from America. The new challenges created by this kind of mindset, is the worsening of meaningful relationships between the White House, medical and scientific institutions and persons that have often labored to find answers to eradicating virus and or diseases, and improving the health status of the nation. The medical and scientific communities’ well-intentioned medical and scientific discovery efforts and advice, are now being jeopardized by the same government, once elected into position of political leadership as President and Vice President, men, who once swore on oath, to save Americans form enemies, domestic or foreign, known and unknown, physical and or microbial. The Trump/Pence team cannot bull-doze or wing out, or around the nation, the very impactful damage that the coronavirus has done to America.

Under the White House stewardship of the Trump/Pence team, over one hundred and eighty thousand Americans have died; and, more are expected and predicted to die in the coming months. It will be the worst type of self-hate or discountenance, if America’s voters give this duo another four years in office. To paraphrase the statement of the “Doc”, Clipper’s Coach, Glenn Anton Rivers, America has loved change; an experiment with an outsider to Washington, DC as president in 2016, however, that team has not reciprocated the love. The Trump/Pence has not loved and protected the nation as they had promised on oath; symmetrically, minority blacks have loved and gave of themselves to America; however, the nation continues to fail, by not loving this group, back!

On August 11, 2020, Vice-President Joe Biden formally announced his selection of California Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. The Biden/Harris team were nominated at the 2020 Democratic National Convention last week, August 17 – 20th, 2020. The duo has promised to give us: “Light after Trump/Pence darkness!” In a directed speech to the American people, the Biden/Harris team has promised to solve the pandemic problem, secure social safety net and have the richer Americans pay their ‘fair share”. There is a good possibility that this two will level with America and not throw out falsehood repeatedly, denounce the veracity of science and medical discoveries in attending to the ravages of the pandemic, or bastardized America’s democracy and institutions, the way Trump/Pence team, has done in the past three and three quarter years. Given the nation’s experience with the Trump/Pence team, it is safe to say, we are ready to give another team a chance; the nation is ready to reclaim his nationhood and democratic principles from men who hardly appreciate or understand the history and the sacrifices that many before us has given, so we may remain a more perfect union.

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