Keywords or Terms:
RNC; DNC; Lincoln’s Party; Donald Trump; Cleveland Ohio Convention Venue;
Hillary Clinton, Philadelphia, PA Convention Center; Bigotry; Apocalyptic; Inspiring;
Smart, Tender and inclusive; Bernie Sanders Championing Voter’s cause; American
Political Campaign Observers; Lincoln party; Islamic Religion; Immigration;
Police Violence; Collective Efforts; and Party Nomination Process
For about eighteen months
Americans have been exposed to a lot of campaign messaging for 2016 White House
oval office. The campaigning messaging reached a crescendo on July 21, 2016,
when Republican Presidential Nominee, Donald Trump, gave an acceptance speech
at the Republican National Committee (RNC) Convention in Cleveland, Ohio;
declaring close to what is now perceived in some quarters, as the worst demagoguery
coming from a major political party presidential nominee in about half a
century. Donald Trump, 2016 Republican nominee for White House, had declared an apocalyptic state of America in his acceptance speech, adding a world of dismay,
some say, non-existent state, only perceived in the festering minds of the nominee and his
avowed supporters. Mr. Trump had offered what many establishment Republicans
considered rather non-traditional estimation of the state of the nation to an
extent that some within the party are wondering how did the party get here; how
come the party of Lincoln is presenting a non-traditional candidate for the
highest office in the land; and, what exactly must the party do to prevent another lose to Democrats in the coming November general election.
The New York Real Estate Mogul’s
acceptance speech was both an embodiment of his past rhetoric of fear, hate, innuendos,
and apocalypse; and, a sprinkle of quarrelsome nationalism. If you buy into his type of rhetoric, our nation is a world of anxieties and fears, with multiple forms of social ills, that a future without
Donald Trump, a man in the mold of Adolf Hitler, is probably inevitable or
inescapable; and, unquestionably necessary if our democracy is to sustain and
or blossom for another century. His acceptance speech's declarations reflected a
desire and affinity to go back to those days, when minorities were mostly
second class citizens; with American women left without political voice or
right to vote in party politics, state or federal. His speech called for law
and order; a political prospect bemoaned by some Republican Party
establishment and many Americans, as inflaming public angst in many ways.
Interestingly, the Republican
Nominee’s acceptance speech was framed in the context of extreme isolationism from
the rest of the world, especially those regions of the world where Islam is practiced.
For all intense and purpose, the Republican flag bearer continues to doubt the
loyalty of those Americans practicing the Islamic religion; fanning hate to the
extent of extreme nationalism that probably excludes the possibility of being
considered loyal, if you practice Islamic Religion. No one must now feel safe
from probable policies that may undermine new immigrant experience; nor must
new immigrants, or those resident in America, feel safe and part of the holistic
American exceptionalism experience and experiment. Some cautious American political campaign
observers are indicating that the Republican Party nominee is about to take
America to a time, where voters are paralyzed by the inertia of the unknown and a fear of unquestionable domination by likes of Donald Trump. A
time better forgotten or archaic, when many minorities were classified as goods
or properties, and women’s opinions, inconceivable in any serious discussions
of social, political, and economic issues. For more reflective observers of
national politics, Mr. Trump’s speech appears to have conjured fear mongering,
and unfathomable propositions to the extent of elevating one race in America
above the rest. Going solely on the content of his rhetoric, listeners to his
acceptance speech may surmise that America is about to witness a new direction
in the ship of American State; and unless this redirection is led by "Messiah" Trump, it is probably going to be impossible to understand what is meant to be
an American in very near future, because of his tone on issues of illegal
immigration, police violence, accommodation of those practicing Islamic faith
and in-deference to female members of our society.
For Mr. Trump, there is no hope,
no confidence, and no other way out to civil liberty except through his prescriptions. It is
time to make America Great Again! The Republican Party nominee’s exaggeration
of attacks on police as terrorism acts threatening the America way of life was in true display as conceived in Mr. Trump's acceptance speech. His proposed policy to make
American Companies who have moved offices overseas suffer some hyperbolic consequences was as admonished as distaste for Islam; and his exposition of a law and
order doctrinaire, if not a dogged police state, to enforce public safety, a more than likely probability under a “President” Trump. Further, the 2016
Republican Nominee believes the nation is ripe for a giant wall, built to block
illegal immigrants and drug traffics along US Southern Border; a proposal not
only of the worst inkling in foreign policy, but one that will definitely engender retaliatory
moves from many countries in Southern America, if not the globe. Here comes the reality and possibility of proposals that appear to put members of this nation who do not share the isolationist doctrinaires on pins and needles, regarding Mr. Trump's pronouncements and declarations at the Republican Convention.
With a fervor of belligerence and
sometimes erratic nuances, Mr. Trump’s speech attempted to address income
growth differentials in America. His attempt and premises to address this
problem, as well as those problems of racism, unemployment and challenges of
labor laws, were not convincing and were probably close to being elusive; and
his relentless bravado as to how deplorable the state of the nation has become, marred
any appreciation of what his proposal will be to solve his self-defined
national problems. Further, his insinuation of potential solutions to these
problems, in his landscape of belligerence statements, provided more clues of bewilderment to potential American voters. In addition, Mr. Trump’s acceptance speech seemed
more of a brand of manufactured pandemonium, probably designed to undermine the
whole fabric of national unity, to the justification or rise of a not-so
traditional major party leadership and President of the United States.
Under a “President” Trump
Administration, Americans must resolve to the federalization of some state and
local government functions to an extent that, they will probably have to endure
a repressive and overbearing federal government; a precursor to what some
political pundits are already referring to as the new Nazi brown coats in
America. His conservative messaging, pushing ultraconservative policies
to a realm of paranoia or brutal awakening, where racial minorities will know
their place, or will now have to live in constant fear, real fears and anxieties
espoused in ways, that if you are members of either of these classes, minorities
and immigrants, man or woman, you would now have to scout for protection to
claim a right of American citizenship in the new end time apoplectic America as
conceived by the 2016 Republican party flag bearer?
Many of Mr. Trump’s declarations
regarding trade negotiations and public safety, deny possible collective consensus
regarding the type of leadership and commitment from all Americans to resolve
them. From the darker tone of the 2016 Republican Party Nominee acceptance speech, one may readily identify with one of the past rival of Donald Trump, Ohio
Republican governor, John Kasich, who once derided what Mr. Trump campaign messaging stood for: pure Nazism. Despite all the mean spirited declarations from sweaty eyed Nominee Trump, his conviction nevertheless showed
some determination that make you wonder, if this Republican candidate
is not out for a spoiler. The Republican Nominee probably managed to convince
many of his usual Republican faithful, with other added outlandish declarations that only
people who seek to be boohooed would subscribe. How about the ridiculous hyperbole
that: “America is being terrorized by Islamic radicals and illegal immigrants,
who are committing heinous crimes with impunity; acts that have stolen too many
innocent American lives?”
Unlike Donald Trump’s acceptance
speech however, Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s acceptance speech was a breath
of fresh air. As if repudiating many declarations of the Republican Party flag
bearer’s acceptance speech, the Democratic Party flag declared: “Powerful
forces are threatening to pull us apart,” … “And just as with our Founders,
there are no guarantees. It's truly is up to us. We have to decide whether we
will all work together so we can all rise together.” Even when modest deference
was given to Mr. Trump’s declaration, if at all, Ms. Clinton reminded her audience
that: “America is great because America is good.” As if further concertizing her dislikes of the tone of the acceptance speech of the Republican Party
Nominee, Ms. Clinton added the following at various junctions of her speech: “Don't
let anyone tell you that our country is weak. We're not. Don't let anyone tell
you we don't have what it takes. We do. … And most of all, don't believe anyone
who says: 'I alone can fix it.'"
The Candor of Ms. Clinton’s
acceptance speech of July 28th at the Philadelphia Convention Hall, demands
a comparable introspection; a candid reflection on what is probably best about
America and why any slogan from the republican flag bearer, of Making America Great
Again, must be dismissed without much funfair. The former US Secretary of State
impressed on her audience, the promise of America for all peoples, men, women,
and all residents of the United States. Rather than fanning hate like her Republican
counterpart, the first female nominee of a major American political party
declared: “We will rise to the challenge [facing America], just as we
always have. We will not build a wall. Instead, we will build an economy where
everyone who wants a good paying job can get one. And we’ll build a path to
citizenship for millions of immigrants who are already contributing to our
economy. We will not ban a religion. We will work with all Americans and our
allies to fight terrorism.” Discountenancing further some of Donald Trump’s declarations at the Republican Cleveland, Ohio convention, Ms. Clinton added: “[Trump] has taken the
Republican party a long way – from ‘Morning in America to Midnight in America.”
Not counting the multiple and
diverse voices of speakers before Ms. Clinton’s acceptance speech at Democratic
Party convention on Thursday July 28th, including men and women of different
races, religions, physical abilities and sexual orientation, the Democratic Party
flag bearer acknowledged the achievements of her former arch rival within the
party, Bernie Sanders; admonishing him and supporters with the following
statements: 1) “I want you to know, I've heard you. Your cause is our cause;” 2)
“Our country needs your ideas, energy, and passion. That is the only way we can
turn our progressive platform into real change for America.” With this type of
admonition, she couldn’t be said to have blundered as her Republican
counterpart who said: “Safety will be restored”, as if safety went on vacation
lately in America. The preconceived notion that the solution to all of
America’s problems, including: “the attacks on our police and terrorism in our
cities that appears to threaten our way of life” as narrated in Mr. Trump’s
acceptance speech is, through force, can hardly be tenable with the tone and
imagination in Ms. Clinton’s acceptance speech.
Maybe the former first lady and Upstate
New York Senator’s acceptance speech at the Democratic Party Convention should be summed up in one of President
Obama’s observation regarding the Republican Party flag bearer: "He’s not really a plans guy. Not really a facts guy, either. He calls
himself a business guy, which is true, but I have to say, I know plenty of
businessmen and women who’ve achieved success without leaving a trail of
lawsuits, and unpaid workers, and people feeling like they got cheated." Further,
the suspicion of the Republican Party Nominee’s prowess
in business dealings by skeptics, especially Democrats, can no longer be
seen far from his ambition for the White House oval office. A fear of the worst
of intentions on the approach for taking on American problems as contained in the Republican Nominee declarations at the Republican Cleveland, Ohio Convention, was shot down by Ms.
Clinton: “And most of all, don’t believe anyone who says: “I alone can fix it.”
… Really? [Trump] alone can fix it? Isn’t he forgetting? Troops on the front
lines. Police officers and fire fighters who run toward danger. Doctors and
nurses who care for us. Teachers who change lives. Entrepreneurs who see
possibilities in every problem. Mothers who lost children to violence and are
building a movement to keep other kids safe. He’s forgetting every last one of
us. Americans don’t say: “I alone can fix it.” We say: “We’ll fix it together.”
Ms. Clinton wants Democrats
and American voters not only to be circumspect of the declaration of 'I alone
can fix it' campaign messaging of her Republican rival, she wants the voters to: “Remember, Our Founders fought a
revolution and wrote a Constitution so America would never be a nation where
one person had all the power." The conjecture of Mr. Trump’s declaration of
being the only one that can fix America’s problem and his overtures to the
Russians in a subsequent speech a little over a week after his acceptance speech, revived a further apprehension of the true intentions of Donald Trump as a party's flag bearer: "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the
30,000 emails that are missing." For many intelligence experts and some independent
observers, Mr. Trump crossed the line with that overtures; he is not only fanning hate in his campaign for the White House, he is encouraging
spying of Americans by a foreign country; in this case, the spying of the flag bearer
of a major American Political Party, Ms. Hillary Clinton.
Conclusively, it is justifiable to
believe that Mr. Trump’s acceptance speech garnered the spirit and
purpose of his campaign, since June of 2015. Many of his campaign messaging have had mostly nationalism flair, including exclusions of many groups, women and minorities,
race, religion and national origin. His stance against anyone who does not
share the notion of America first doctrinaire in all aspect of things, is very obvious; and his belief in self as the only and ultimate solution for America's broader challenges, borders on the precipitates of narcissism. Further, his brand of campaign messaging that sets groups against each other are well documented, and his acceptance speech has not deviated from most of his past declarations during the Republican Party's primaries and caucuses leading to party nomination; no attempt at pivoting to the center as is usually the case for many past party nominees that have sought to broaden their base of support among independent voters. No matter how narcissistic and abhorrent his declarations may seem, including many of
his tweeted political messaging, he comes across as a quixotic leader, who has reshaped or intends to reshape his political party forever; and with his distancing and thumbing nose at power brokers and Republican
Establishment, he has shown he is ready to take the party in a different direction, better imagined than welcomed.
In the opinion of 2016 Republican Party flag bearer for the November general election, the refusal of needed party reforms by establishment Republican politicians,
and the crookedness in the nomination process or system, demand
someone of his kind to straighten the unwholesome shenanigans that party
members are accustomed to in the past. Mr. Trump has not only stirred the Republican pot, he wants to put America first,
insisting in his campaign and acceptance speech that, many of the problems the
nation faces, including violence, war, poverty and defining terms of trade pacts, come out of past indiscretions of conventional American Politicians, which he is not. To prevent the country from sleeping further into abyss, Mr. Trump is offering his party and America, his supposedly successful business acumen and leadership, believing those are the missing pieces in the puzzle of resolving America's social, economic, and political challenges, or making America great again!
On the other hand, Hillary
Clinton’s DNC acceptance speech is a prototype of transformation, including
defining an impressive resume, explaining where she stands on policy issues
contrary to her Republican counterpart; and, denouncing the arrogance and
bigotry message of Donald Trump. As if building on the collective wisdom of
group effort, the Democratic Party nominee proposes, we will fix whatever
problem America has together; rather than the position of Mr.
Trump: “I alone can fix it.” Ms. Clinton relishes in the aspirations of Democratic Party establishment for America and wholeheartedly subscribes to the essence of collective wisdom in resolving America's challenges as a nation. She will like to borrow a leaf from the experiences and hopes of the last two Democratic Party Presidents, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. While talking about the historical implications of her novel nomination as a major party flag bearer, in the context of gains in women suffrage, she proposes a reflective leadership in America's White House; and, would never subscribe to the lone wolf approach as proposed by her arch rival of the Republican Party. Luckily, she has a friend in the outgoing Democratic Administration and front row seat with a former Democratic President in her potential undertakings.
In addition, a probable Hillary Clinton's Administration, will likely be one of many firsts; a first female president, first spouse president and one that welcomes inputs from two former Democratic Presidents in recent memories; which may further ensure a successful White House in the coming four years, if she ends up winning the general election. For her, America has moved closer to keeping her promise ninety-six years ago, when she accepted the nineteenth amendment to the US Constitution; and her presidency will be a consummation of various efforts and actualization of many American women's dreams to change the political landscape. Just as she beamed and relished in the ovations of the Democratic Party Convention speech, she recognizes that her ascendancy would only be for the reason of actions of multitudes of actors, who have gone to bat for her, and the inkling of Bernie Sander's campaign efforts to make her own campaign tougher, resilient and probably exceptional in the coming contest. As one experienced the diversity of speakers represented at the Democratic National Committee Philadelphia convention on behalf of Hillary Clinton, one can only imagine the probable inclusiveness of her coming administration. To many of her supporters and speakers at the convention, Hillary Clinton’s candidacy is the promise of
coming together of greater ideas and commitments to build better capacity and
support for addressing whatever challenges may be ahead for America.
Contrarily or unfortunately, her rival's narcissistic and somewhat nationalistic campaign efforts, which open gates to an unknown or uncharted waters, probably stands a chance at success of winning the US Presidency, if Democrats do not do a good job at letting the American voters know the differences. With less
than four months to the November general election, the political future of the
nation may depend more on how Democrats are able to redirect their campaign
messaging, such that it appeals to a greater diverse population, who will in turn show up to vote for Hillary Clinton in November 2016 general election day. The anxiety and fears now peddled by Mr. Trump’s campaign
messaging, which are resonating with multiples and multitudes of Republican base, may just
qualify him for the needed number of electoral college, if Democrats are unable to properly define his brand of bias and nationalism. Finally, maybe it is just good enough to believe or romanticize in the luck of Clinton's Vice Presidential choice, Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, who's never lost a political campaign contest in his life
time. A November victory for the Democrats may just be resonating out of this kind of luck and the promise and success of the Clinton-Kaine ticket, guaranteed.
Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-31799 DLC

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