Keywords or Terms:
Newt Gingrich; Permanent American Moon Colony; Flag bearer; Party Ambition and
Goal; Nomination; United
States House of Representatives; Hope and
Which Presidential candidate can take a campaign on life
support, to one winning two States in a dramatically filled Republican
nomination competition? Which candidate with a heavily indebted credit to Tiffany
once attained the front runner status among the Republican candidates seeking
nomination to be the Party’s flag bearer? Which Presidential candidate aspired
to have a permanent American colony on the moon? Which Republican Presidential
candidate had more fat in him than the beacon machine grinder? The answer to these
questions is very simple. The candidate who was once characterized by another Republican
opponent as having more baggage than all the airlines put together, Newt
Gingrich? This candidate brought more ridiculous proposals to the nomination
process than any of the eight candidates that initially appeared for the first
debate in the nomination process. This candidate offered more mundane
proposals, which to some sounded as great ideas, more dramatically to the
campaign process than the movie: Toy Story! You wondered if the former speaker
of the United States House of Representatives, over the years since quitting
that office, had lost his wits, as he offered many laughable ideas on the
campaign trail. Beyond the idea of having a permanent American colony on the
moon, Mr. Newt Gingrich offered what was tantamount to an unrealistic,
unworkable and most importantly, impractical taxation reform proposal in his
bid to become the Republican nominee. Mr. Gingrich campaign not only lost steam
from about two weeks to its start, it probably was on life support through out
the campaign process. Many observers maintain that, but for the Nevada millionaire and
his wife who injected ten million of theirs into New Gingrich campaign, the
former speaker of the House would have bowed out much sooner.
If you have problem with understanding why Mr. Gingrich ever
offered himself as a candidate for Republican nomination, maybe you should look
at the 2012 class of potential Republican nominees. In a year, when it seems all great persons and personalities with better chances or potential at running against President
Obama, stayed at home, we have a Mediocre Etch-A-Sketcher, A Social
Conservative with torch of loud mouth, A woman molester with a flair for
denials, A flunky Texas Cowboy with rather poor communication skills, A
physician with knack for national isolation from the rest of the world, A
former Ambassador to China who recently quit the Republican Party, A
congresswomen that had better been left in the middle ages and much more!
Internal discussions among the mainstream Republicans indicated that the 2012 slate
of Republican candidates for nomination, are at best, second rate. Recent interviews
by the Media in States like Delaware and New Jersey, said the
probable Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, is a second best. That reminds me of
what my buddies say while we were in high school : When the desirable is unavailable,
the available becomes desirable!
What creates the opportunity for Mitt Romney to rise up to
the level of the probable Republican flag bearer is the lack of candidate with
depth and conservative values in the 2012 class of Republican aspirants. After
a drought of well meaning conservative Republicans with name recognition, a campaign
organization and followership that can be touted as being very conservative
enough, the rank and file of the Republican Party are settling for a Mormon
with a magic underpants, who is as inconsistent in his political views and positions
as the weather in Southern States in the hurricane and tornado seasons. Once a
shake and bake French speaking door-knocking Mormon missionary to a Vulture Capitalist, the Republicans are about to field a candidate which many within
the Party, agree is not just good enough! Republican Conservatives don’t like him;
the mainstream can barely tolerate him; and those Republican lawmakers in
congress, are now just closing ranks behind him, as they find themselves,
unable to present the nominee that truly represents their position. Presenting
Mitt Romney as the Republican flag bearer is like marrying an ugly girlfriend
out of sympathy! Truth be told, if Republicans had other options, an unlikeable,
impersonal looking and sometimes awkward looking candidate, with a background
in firing people, dismantling companies and destroying families and family
values, is the last candidate that will be bearing the Republican flag in the
November 6th contest.
As Republicans contemplate their chances of winning back the
White House, the Senate and probably retaining majority in the House, they will
find that, the possibility of attaining these goals in 2012, is a very steep
one, because of the disarray in the party and the class of candidates they are
fielding in contests for all the offices currently held by Democrats. Beyond
the class of candidates being fielded in the coming contests, there is a
growing understanding among the Republican leaders in Congress, that the Party
is ill-prepared; that their goal to become a stumbling block to the Democratic
Administration is about to backfire, if not already backfiring; and their
ambition to make President Obama, a one-term President, maybe a mirage. For
instance, how do Republicans intend to repair the damage to the loyalty brand
of some far right members in the Tea Party? How do Republicans change the
perception in the country that their congressional leaders held the nation to ransom
on legislations that could have improved the unemployment problem; and or, the
fiscal health of the nation? How are Republicans going to supplant the notion
that their goal is to remain a spoiler, a disagreeable and disgruntled group of
gun-tattling, war-mongering and you-are-on-your-own Party? How are Republicans
going to shed the image of coddler of the rich, affluent and better-off
citizens and corporations in America?
Time has changed, the country as a whole is wiser, information technology has
opened up many unknowns; and, no one can hide under the oppression of the many
over the few in isolated areas of the country. Whether many Americans like it
or not, change is really here: American politics is getting more open than
before because of the advent of the internet; opinion leaders are changing,
never again will the editorial pages from just one tiny newspaper in an
isolated enclave in a southern or northern state move the voting patterns in
that area or the state. Can Republicans stand to loose the election to President Obama
because of their choice of flag bearer?
In a time of improving economic standing, when and where job
growth is gradually improving, after a long doldrums, it is going to be very
difficult to make a claim that under President Obama, the economy has remained
as underperforming, as when he took office in 2009. President Obama has done
well, if not terrifically, because of the state of the economy when he took
over from the Republican Administration. The plurality of Americans will remember
that Republicans brought the economy probably to a stand still because of the
two unpaid wars, unusual and excessive tax cuts for the rich, unnecessary grandstanding in congress, and the inability to bring in the number one enemy of America, Osama
bin Laden, among others! The fastest growing minority group in America, Latinos, will remember the
negative position of Republicans on immigration reform. Women will take to
heart the unnecessary Republicans antagonism over their health and reproductive choices.
The long unemployed will remember that when it was time to spend on job
creation, Republican lawmakers balked under the pretext of where to find the
money for that opportunity. Students will flock to Democrats because of the
favorability and likeability of President Obama; and, because he has chosen to
reiterate Republican lawmakers unlikeliest attempt to help students hold down
the interest rates on Stafford loans.
In an upcoming brutal Presidential contest, which political pundits
and strategists maintain is going to be a hard fought one, Republicans cannot
afford to be on stand by; they cannot afford to be seen as anti-education,
uninspiring on education, unhelpful to teachers and their union; and anti
health care reform. Under what is probably an iffy likelihood of the Supreme
Court ruling the Affordable Health Care Reform as unconstitutional and, a
likelihood that the knowledgeable judges are likely going to just rule part of
the law as unconstitutional and allow the law to still stand, the Republican
Party are virtually towing with their ambition or goal. Republicans cannot
assume the responsibility for ineffective leadership, unrepresentative and
unlikeable flag bearer; the party cannot afford to deal with a fracas party convention,
where some members feel left out because of the individual being put up as the
Party Flag bearer. Great majority of voters among the Anglo-Saxons, Pentecostal
Christians and Southerners are likely going to turn away from voting Republicans
because they cannot bring themselves to voting for a Mormon. This is a reality
that Republicans cannot and must not ignore. Ultimately, the leaders in the
Republican Party will have to deal with the change that is to come, as Democrats
over run the party come November.

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